eLecta Live Screen Recorder is a small but useful program that, as its name implies, allows you to record your screen activity in an easy way. This is very useful, for example, for creating instructive materials, to record webcam conversations, and so on.
The program has a very simple and straightforward interface with only four self-explanatory buttons: New, which lets you set up a new recording; Start, that starts recording what happens on your screen; Pause, which pauses the recording; and Stop, to cease the recording.
When clicking on the New button, a dialog box appears. It lets you set the source of the recording. For example, you can set if you want to record the full-screen activity, or only the screen area or the webcam images. If you choose the first two options, you can set the capture size and quality, as well as the frame rate. You can choose to include or not the taskbar and the cursor movement. If you want to record only the webcam activity, you can also set the recording properties by clicking on the corresponding button.
After setting the properties of the recording, you can click on the Start button. A countdown screen will appear, letting you prepare yourself before the actual recording starts.
As you can see, the program is very easy to use and can be set to suit your needs.
The program is free to download and use. When you close it, a dialog box appears, asking you to give feedback to the developer.
Comments (3)
Anyhow I am enjoying electa live for my requirement purpose.